Statistics for ESTIN
Total visits
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(object name could not be loaded) | 87 |
Review of Techniques for Optimizing Intelligent Video Recording Using Activity Detection in Surveillance Systems | 79 |
Deep Reinforcement Learning for Vechicle Platooning Optimization | 40 |
Enchancing Adversarial Robustness in Machine Learning: Techniques and Evaluations | 31 |
Deep Reinforcement learning for vehicule Platooning Optimization | 29 |
Seismic image segmentation based on Deep Learning for the Characterization of Hydrocarbon Reservoirs in the Oil & Gas Industry: Comparative study | 27 |
Literature Review on energy Efficiency Wireless Sensor Net Works | 25 |
State-of-the-Art Analysis : Exploring the Integration of Visual Data for Enhancing the Accuracy and Reliability of Recommender Systems | 23 |
Evaluation of Machine learning Models for Detecting Adversarial attacks on Anomaly Detection Oriented Dataset | 22 |
Image Text Similarity using Deep Learning Object Detection and Word Spotting Approach | 22 |