Statistics for ESTIN

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(object name could not be loaded) 87
Review of Techniques for Optimizing Intelligent Video Recording Using Activity Detection in Surveillance Systems 79
Deep Reinforcement Learning for Vechicle Platooning Optimization 40
Enchancing Adversarial Robustness in Machine Learning: Techniques and Evaluations 31
Deep Reinforcement learning for vehicule Platooning Optimization 29
Seismic image segmentation based on Deep Learning for the Characterization of Hydrocarbon Reservoirs in the Oil & Gas Industry: Comparative study 27
Literature Review on energy Efficiency Wireless Sensor Net Works 25
State-of-the-Art Analysis : Exploring the Integration of Visual Data for Enhancing the Accuracy and Reliability of Recommender Systems 23
Evaluation of Machine learning Models for Detecting Adversarial attacks on Anomaly Detection Oriented Dataset 22
Image Text Similarity using Deep Learning Object Detection and Word Spotting Approach 22